보스턴 레드삭스 출신 레전드 '데이비드 오티즈', 총격 후 처음으로 사진 공개(David Ortiz Posts First Photos Since Shooting)

2019-08-28     박은경 기자

[서울=RNX뉴스] 박은경 기자 = David Ortiz Posts First Photos Since Shooting .

Ortiz posted pictures of himself and his wife helping their daughter move into her college dorm. .

A life experience take place on us dropping off one of my kids at college..... good luck with everything and remember 'to be great you have to bring the best out of you everyday' lov you....mom & dad!!! , David Ortiz, via Instagram.

Ortiz was shot in the back at a club in the Dominican Republic on June 9. .

The police determined that the hit man was targeting another man and shot Ortiz by mistake. .

The former Red Sox star was transferred to a Boston hospital where he underwent three surgeries. .

Ortiz had some of his intestines and gallbladder removed. .

He was released from the Boston hospital last month. .

Ortiz has reportedly hired former Boston police commissioner Ed Davis to lead an independent investigation into the shooting.