[서울=RNX뉴스] 박은경 기자 = 세계 최대 음악스트리밍 업체 스포티파이가 애완동물을 위한 맞춤형 음악 '펫 플레이리스트(Pet Playlists)' 기능을 선보이며 애완동물을 키우는 소비자 공략에 나섰다.

Based on what type of pet you own, 'Spotify for Pets' will make a list of tunes. @SpotifyNews, via Twitter As of now, the feature is available for cats, dogs and birds.

You can also use it if you own a hamster or iguana.

Spotify says it conducted an online survey with pet owners across the globe.

The streamer found that most believe music helps pets with stress and makes them happier.

It also recorded that over 70 percent of owners play tunes just for their pet. Nearly 20 percent even named their pet after a musician or band.



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